Looking for a gift? Let the zodiac help you pick!

Thinking what’s the best gift for your friend, partner or relative? Norrsken has lots of gorgeous, exclusive designs to choose from. But how to know which one is her perfect match? Let us give you a hand with that! Or should we say… let the zodiac help you a bit?

Norrsken pieces feature unique natural stones with their own story to tell. Just like every zodiac sign has one stone that represents their energy! So if you are looking for a really unique gift to praise her personality, this is your chance!



March 21 – April 20
People born under this sign are natural leaders, enthusiastic and confident. Red Garnet, also known as the gem of creative fire, is the stone that evokes their powerful, passionate energy! If you admire your friend’s courage and fearless approach to life, now is your time to show it with Delicious Garnet collectionor Sunset Garnet collection!



April 21 – May 20
Relaxing under the sun, a warm cup of tea, a succulent meal… that’s Taurus! A sign that loves luxury and pleasure. Just like Amethyst, a beautiful stone marbled by nature that invokes calmness and is believed to dissolve all negative feelings. If she has thought you how to enjoy every little thing in life, give her a piece that symbolyses it! Check our Sparkling Amethyst collection!



May 21 – June 21
People under Gemini sign are adaptable and versatile, but also very mentally active. Agate is thought to soothe senses and to harmonise and rebalance body, mind and spirit. If your friend is a professional overthinker, give her a mindful piece she would love (…and maybe calm her down!) Like one from Northern Agate collection!



June 21 – July 22
Ahh, nothing more unconditional than the love of a Cancerian! Just like Rose Quartz, a precious gem known as the stone of eternal and genuine love. Show her how you appreciate her infinite friendship with Flowery Quartz or Lace Quartz collection


July 23 – August 22
Don’t you love the passion for life Leonians have? Everything they do, they will make it shine! Tiger Eye represents exactly that energy -and it has been used as a strengthening amulet since the Roman times! If your Leonian friend is your source of inspiration, praise them with Forest Tiger Eye collection or a Tiger Eye Brooch!



August 23 – September 22
The most meticulous and perfectionist sign in the zodiac -if they only knew how precious they are! Black Spinel is believed to repel negativity and to evoke inspiration and empowerment. Make your friend feel as powerful as she it with Precious Spinel collection!



September 23 – October 22
People born under the sign of Libra are easy-going and value a lot their relationships. And they are also very tasteful! Just like Blue Topaz, associated with loyalty and truth. It also symbolyses endless friendship! Give her a symbol of your friendship in a piece that will match her artistic soul! Choose from Norrsken Topaz collection or pick the gorgeous Owl Brooch!



October 23 – November 22
Scorpio is a water sign, and represents the dark waters in the depth of an enormous ocean… just like our collection with Golden Obsidian, inspired by the dramatic mystery of a winter storm -and with a golden glow that makes it unique! Give your friend a piece as beautiful and unique as she is! Check our Golden Obsidian collection



November 23 – December 21
Here the most positive people of the zodiac! They will bring happiness to everyone around them. Just like Citrine, a stone associated with joy, abundance and positive changes.And with a vibrant yellow hues! Match her cheerful personality with Golden Citrine collection!



December 22 – January 20
Capricorns are ambitious and hard-working. They are the ones with their feet on the ground! Their energy is represented by Black Hematite, a stone thought to have a deep grounding and stabilising influence. Give your Capricorn friend a unique, refined piece from Drop Hematite Collection!


January 21 – February 18
As the most creative and free-spirited sign of the zodiac, Acquarious is the master of managing change. Just like Labradorite, which is believed to bring strength and power for transformation. Native Nordics said such powers were absorbed from the northern lights! What do the planets recommend for Aquarius? The gorgeous Pearly Labradorite collection!



February 19 – March 20
People with the sign Pisces are quite sensitive, imaginative… unrestful daydreamers! White Topaz symbolises hope, love and happiness and, just like Pisces, it is believed to induce positivity! Pick one of these for your Pisces friend! Shimmering Topaz or Icy Topaz collection 


Still in doubt? These pieces can’t fail! Praise every minute together with one of these watches! Flower Watch, Back Sparkling Watch or Sleek Drop Watch? You pick!


Check the whole Norrsken Winter collection in our Digital Catalogue!


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