Wake Up Your Body: Morning Routine

Waking up fresh and energetic in the morning is not everyone’s cup of tea. Most of the times our body requires more rest to get rid of the constant fatigue caused by working tirelessly. If you want to be the girl who wakes up fresh and glow like sunshine in the morning just like in the movies, then do not worry, it is not impossible. Here are five easy yet surefire ways to wake up your body and start your day in an energetic way.

1. Sleep On the Same Time Daily
Your body has a natural alarm that allows you to wake up and sleep at the same time. To activate this system in your body, sleep at the same time every night and wake up in the morning at the exact same time. Our body recovers itself when we are sleeping, and with a proper sleeping routine, we enable our body to have a timely rejuvenating routine. Once your body adopts this routine, you will feel more refreshed and active throughout the day. This is a long term lifestyle change can majorly affect your morning routines and help you energetic every day without any struggle. 

2. Move Your Body
Exercising is an important step to live a healthy life. When you move your body, it quickens the heart beat that allows you to bat the fatigue and the urge to hit your bed again. It is a surefire way to wake your muscles up and warm your body up for the day. So, instead of hitting the snooze button 10 times, wake up early and exercise to have an energetic and active beginning of your day. You don’t necessarily have to have a power workout session or buy yourself an expensive gym membership, just stick to easy at-home excises that work for you to wake your entire body up. 

3. Do Not Skip Your Breakfast
Breakfast, the first meal of your day, is the most important part of your life especially when it comes to fitness and energy. Avoiding breakfast in the morning is the biggest health mistake anyone can commit. When you skip the first meal of your day, your body becomes sluggish and require more muscle strength to do even the simplest of tasks like making your bed, etc. If you want to feel active and fresh throughout the day, then make sure to never skip the breakfast and include natural and organic food items in the most cardinal meal of your day. 

4. Have A Refreshing Shower and Add Some Fragrance
Another way to make sure your body is fully fresh and active is to have an early morning shower. The water on your body wakes you up fully and helps you kick start your day perfectly. Try a refreshing shower gel like the Wakeup Shower Gel Feel Good that has Japanese Yuzu extract that freshens up your body instantly. The citrus scent enlivens the whole body and boosts your energy and mood. To increase the effects, spray the Wakeup Feel Good EDT to smell fresh and lively all day. The Japanese yuzu, mint leaves, and musk make you feel awake and fresh without overdoing it. 

5. Listen to Positive and Energetic Music
Music has a great impact on our life. According to researches, the kind of music we listen o can greatly affect our mood and productivity. To increase your energy levels in the morning listen to motivating and up beat songs, whether while making your breakfast or working out. Compile a playlist that you can play on shuffle every morning to boost your mood, energy levels, and efficiency in a drastic way. This tip is both fun and extremely helpful in waking your mind and body up in the morning without having to out any extra effort. You can also dance to these songs and count them as a part of your morning exercise for added enjoyment.

With a slight lifestyle change, you will be able to make the most out of your mornings and feel refreshed every single day. Adopt these simple and easy tips and make your mornings a whole lot better.

Words by: Photographs by: Shutterstock