Self-care: Find Serenity Within Your Surroundings

Whether you’re working at the office or from home-office, everyday anxieties and stress related concerns are evident for many of us. Now, more than ever there is a need to focus on our mental and physical wellbeing. So, how do we cope? Read on to discover our simple solutions to unwind and self-care.

We consider self-care to be a vital part of staying connected to and maintaining a healthy relationship with our bodies, and this can take on many forms. Here, the intent is to help create a space to feel cared for and safe, pampered and relaxed. Which is why we’ve compiled our best calmness inducing tricks for you to try in your most comfortable place — at home.

No matter your circumstances, establishing a space dedicated to practicing your version of care, is a great way to de-stress and find peace of mind. Think of these little acts of indulgence as Nesting or At-Home Therapy. With a little dedication and some added thought to the ambience, these moments of self-care may become the weekly ritual you cherish the most.

Set the mood of the space you’re in
Because atmosphere is everything. So, clear away the clutter, chaos and anything else that may trigger stress. By beginning the detox ritual with a little preparation, you can allow our surroundings to be as serene as you aspire your mood to be. Here are a few suggestions for creating a sense of calmness and ease in your environment.

  • First step, put on the kettle and keep the chamomile coming! Honey and green tea are nice too, boasting throat soothing antioxidant properties. Both make a great go-to beverage when you’re looking for relaxation and hydration.
  • Try dimming the lights low or better yet burn a few scented candles. Fragrances have been known to evoke a sense of nostalgia and have direct links to our emotions which may aid us in feeling calm, peaceful and happy. A room mist is a great alternative to candles that provides a long-last ambiance with one gentle spray.
  • Ward off the risk of unsolicited calls by turning the phone settings to Do Not Disturb. You’ll still receive texts, but you won’t be as tempted to read them if you aren’t hearing soft vibrations of notifications.
  • And of course, though It may go without saying, comfy clothes are a must. To immerse yourself in total comfort, ditch anything constricting. Instead think plush, soft, loose and breathable fabrics.
  • Congratulations, with the above steps in place you’re now ready for all those restorative activities that will render you calm and cared for. Simply, take a seat in this serene space you’ve just created. Lay out your most luxuriating essentials — sheet masks, nail lacquer, deeply infused hair conditioner, (remember the remote controls) — and let the self-care ensue!

Inspired to learn more? Continue your journey of self-care with our luxurious home-spa treatment tips, click here to read more.

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