Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera: Benefits for Skin

The renowned beauty queen “Cleopatra, The Queen of Ancient Egypt”, Loved Aloe Vera to soothe and nourish her skin. If you want to add Aloe Vera to your skincare regimen and want to educate yourself about its benefits, then keep on reading!

When it comes to natural skincare, Aloe Vera is the miracle ingredient that pops up again and again everywhere. Aloe Vera is a cactus like a plant which has a thick green outer coating and an inner gel-like substance which is the Aloe located within the inner leaf. The Aloe Vera gel has been used to heal skin and nourish hair since ages. It has been one of the most trusted plant-based beauty ingredients that are popular throughout the world due to its countless benefits. 

1. It Protects Your Skin from The Effects of the Sun
Aloe Vera has soothing and protecting properties that ensure that you have a protective layer on your skin that prevents any damage caused by the sun. It also helps calm any kind of inflammation on your skin caused by the sun.

2. It Deeply Hydrates and Heals Dry Skin
If you have dry skin, aloe vera is a perfect ingredient to look for in the formula. Aloe vera gel consists of water in ca. 99%. With its highly hydrating properties, it helps to keep skin moisturized, soft and smooth. Vitamins A, C and E in aloe vera nourish and help rejuvenate skin. Its uplifting scent adds to the refreshing skin care experience!

Aloe Vera

3. It Cures Sunburns and Rashes Quickly  
If you happen to get a painful sunburn or a rash because of the intense heat and sweating, just reach out for Aloe Vera gel to cure the inflammation on your skin and let your skin relax and repair.

4. It Aids in The Healing Process of Eczema
Eczema can be quite difficult and painful to deal with. However, using Aloe Vera gel can fasten the process of healing. It has anti-bacterial properties that keep all the germs at bay and allows your skin to heal properly without the help of any harsh chemicals.

5. It Provides a Healthy Glow to Your Skin
Aloe Vera gel is very hydrating which helps slow down the aging process of your skin resulting in fresh, beautiful and glowing skin. 
Try our products including this wonderful ingredient!

Words by: Photographs by: Oriflame / Shutterstock