Power of a routine

No matter your age, your profession, or where you live in the world, the importance of having a bullet-proof daily routine can never be underestimated. This is especially true when it comes to your health and wellbeing and that’s why it’s vital to adopt a measured approach to your daily or weekly activities – particularly diet, exercise and sleep.

Why a routine?

Consider your beauty routine and the steps you use to apply your skin care products and make-up as an example. Doing things in a structured way becomes so natural you hardly have to think about it, but you still achieve the desired results. Routines simplify things, save you time and help you achieve your goals. They can also help you break bad habits, build self-confidence and truly become the best version of you.

How to improve your routine or start a new one

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Adapting, improving or even transforming your routine is about making small changes. Yes, it will take a little time, patience and dedication, but the results will be worth it. Research shows that it takes 21 days for a new habit to become a routine. But before you start, the most important thing is to identify your end goal. Why are you making this change – do you want to lose 5kg, run 5km, sleep more than 5 hours? Once you’ve determined that, you can focus on the small changes you need to make to get there.

Let’s start with diet

Nobody’s perfect! Some days your body gets all the nutrition needed to keep running in perfect condition. But on other days, despite eating healthily, you fall short. Or worse, you find yourself eating unhealthy fast foods or snacking on sweet treats because you’re starving and they’re quick-and-easy options. Sound familiar?

Changing your diet for the better doesn’t need to be daunting and it doesn’t mean never eating another hamburger. It’s about taking small steps.

Eating more fruit and vegetables and cutting out excess sugar are a great place to start, but supporting your diet and your overall health with dietary supplements and products is also highly recommended. This is why our Wellness solutionssupplements, meals and snacks can really help. Designed to fit your life, they offer an easy way to complement your diet, while also guaranteeing that you fill your body’s nutritional gaps and build it up with all the necessary minerals, vitamins and nutrients it needs each day.

Ready for exercise?

Not everyone is and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Even the most athletic people hit the snooze button from time to time.

You may have heard that you should be aiming for 20-30 minutes of exercise every day. However, for people who currently do little or no exercise, this could seem like a huge mountain to climb. But rest easy, the guideline doesn’t mean you have to put on lycra tights and hit the gym every day. Working towards a solid exercise routine is about starting slowly. Begin by going for a short, gentle walk and work your way up to longer, faster walks or jogging over time. Another great way to ease into it is to take the stairs in your office or apartment building instead of the elevator.

Sleep more, do more

Sleep is often overlooked when it comes to health and wellbeing, but it’s of critical importance. In the same way that your skin replenishes and repairs itself by night, your mind needs the night time to rest and recover. Research has shown that getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night can add years to our life. This is a long-tern benefit that’s easy to ignore, but in the short term, there are multiple benefits as well. Getting a good night’s sleep can do wonders for your mood the next day. You’ll feel more energetic and look more rested too. And who doesn’t want that when they look in the mirror?

So, aim for 8 to feel great, but also make sure to approach bedtime in the right way. Try and avoid stimulating your brain with smartphones and other screens for at least 1 hour before you hit the sack. Instead, enjoy a relaxing bath or read a good book to properly unwind.

When it comes to your health and well-being, don’t neglect the importance of a good sleep and rest, regular activity as well as balanced diet. Each and every aspect of your life counts, so take a closer look at your everyday habits and calendar. Maintain what should be maintained, improve what can be improved. Make it simpler by planning in advance and creating routines, because remember: